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Tip of the Week - How to add developer comments in Studio scripts

  • 1.  Tip of the Week - How to add developer comments in Studio scripts

    Posted 24 days ago

    Some of the Studio scripts we develop are more complex than others and require move advanced capabilities like conditions, loops, data transformation, etc.


    When you spend time developing a more advanced script, you may find it useful to add comments to your script to help explain how the script is configured or how SAP behaves in relation to the script.


    There's a simple way to add comments inside your script, and the few minutes you spend typing a Comment could potentially save a lot of time in the future for you and/or other developers on your team.


    Steps to add comments:


    Open your script in Studio.


    Go to the Expert View


    Click on a row where you would like to add a new or edit an existing a comment.


    In the Properties window click on the Developer Comments field.

    Type the comments, and then press Enter or tab to save the comment.



    You can identify which rows contain comments by looking for a red triangle on the top right of the rows.  In the example below, two rows have comments.



    In this example, the Direct script is using the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST BAPI and contains COPA fields.  The comments explain which COPA fields are used, what SAP requires for the individual field, and a data transformation example.


    To see the comment, you can

    • Hover over the red triangle





    • Click on the red triangle





    • Go to the Developer comments field in the Properties window.




    Studio automation scripts can be used for years, often times with no need for changes.  Comments can really make a difference when you need to understand the logic that went into developing or the SAP requirements in some of the more advances scripts.


    Happy commenting!

    Tammy Lake
    Sales Engineer
    *Precisely Software Inc.