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Tip of the Week - Authorization Check in Studio

  • 1.  Tip of the Week - Authorization Check in Studio

    Posted 11-18-2024 16:08

    Hello Automate Community! This week, I will cover Authorization Checks in Automate Studio. 

    If you are having any issues when recording or running a script, you should perform an authorization check to determine whether you need to be granted additional authorizations in your SAP environment. To do this, open the Automate Studio Application.

    Navigate to the "Account" Tab on the left

    Click "Authorization Check". If you are not already logged in to an SAP System, it will prompt you to do so:

    Once you are logged into SAP, you will see a list of SAP Authorizations:

    If you find that you do not have the correct authorizations, please contact your administrator. You can find a list of the required SAP Authorizations for Studio HERE.

    Once you are granted the necessary authorizations, you can repeat these steps to confirm your have authorization, and you can then try to record or test the script again.

    I hope this was helpful!


    Hunter Pogue
    Sales Engineer
    Precisely Software Inc.