Hey Adiran,
Thank you so much. The VC++ packages got it working. You're a legend.
We're in the process of migrating, but unfortunately still need to run some Lavastorm graphs until the migration is complete.
Thanks again,
David Delahunty
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Burlington MA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-01-2024 08:45
From: Adrian Williams
Subject: Tableau Extract - "Unable to load library "TableauExtract"
The Lavastorm Analytic Engine (LAE 6.1) product reached it's end of support life date at the end of March 2021. No support is provided for this product.
Precisely strongly recommend that you consider migrating to the Data360 Analyze product which provides similar functionality but uses a modern architecture and is actively developed and supported.
However, regarding this particular error the node is probably trying to load a native library (.dll) rather than a jar. It is likely that you have not installed the prerequisite Microsoft Visual Studio Redistributable packages on the machine. You will need the VC++ 2013 redistributable package and may also need the VC++ 2008 redistributable package.
Note also that the Tableau .tde file format is obsolete. Tableau now support the replacement .hyper file format.
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-01-2024 00:25
From: David Delahunty
Subject: Tableau Extract - "Unable to load library "TableauExtract"
Hi there,
I've recently installed Lavastorm for work and am trying to run basic graphs exporting a 3*3 csv file to a .tde Tableau output; however I get the following error message:
"ERROR: Unexpected error occured during processAll while running the node: Unable to load library "TableauExtract': The specified module could not be found."
I've looked at all of the jar files in C:\Program Files\Lavastorm\LAE6.1\lib\java and have exactly the same as my colleagues who can run the graph. All of my settings match that of my colleagues as well; my version of Java is the same and all other features are exact.
Has anybody else had this issue and been able to resolve it?
Many thanks,
David Delahunty
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Burlington MA