MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Same query huge performance gaps between MapBasic and Python

    Posted 07-22-2024 05:21

    The situation I found is:

    I have a query to calculate population for the network coverage, I have the pops points MapInfo tab file and the network coverage polygons.

    I did the query in MapBasic windows:

    Dim start as Integer
    Dim end_t as Integer
    Dim elapsed as Integer
    start = Timer()
    Select AllSites_NR_C_ID_20240715.Transmitte, sum(PopEst_2021_Density) from GNAF_AUS_202005_EST2021, AllSites_NR_C_ID_20240715 where GNAF_AUS_202005_EST2021.Obj Intersects AllSites_NR_C_ID_20240715.Obj group by AllSites_NR_C_ID_20240715.Transmitte into nr_c_id_pops
    Export "nr_c_id_pops" Into "C:\Users\{username}\Documents\nr_c_id_pops_mapinfo.csv" Type "ASCII" Overwrite Delimiter "," Titles
    Close Table nr_c_id_pops Interactive
    end_t = Timer()
    elapsed = end_t - start
    print "NR_C_ID time cost is: " + str$(elapsed)

    and did the same query in Python:

    import time
    import os
    tables = pro.Catalog.Tables
    tables_list = []
    # check if points table exists
    table_points = 'GNAF_AUS_202005_EST2021'
    for table in tables:
    if table_points in tables_list:
        print('GNAF table has been opened!')
        print("GNAF table doesn't exist.")
    home_path = os.path.expanduser("~")
    path = os.path.join(home_path, "Downloads")
    for table in tables_list:
        start_time = time.time()
        table_polygon = table
        table_pops = table + "_pops"
        file = table_pops + "_mapinfo_python.csv"
        file_name = os.path.join(path, file)
        do("Select {0}.Transmitte,sum({1}.PopEst_2021_Density) from {0}, {1} where {0}.Obj Intersects {1}.Obj into {2} group by {0}.Transmitte".format( table_polygon, table_points, table_pops))
        do("Export {0} Into \"{1}\" Type \"ASCII\" Overwrite Delimiter \",\" Titles".format(table_pops, file_name))
        do("Close Table {0} Interactive".format(table_pops))
        end_time = time.time()
        execution_time = end_time - start_time
        formatted_exec_time = f'{execution_time:.2f}'
        print(table_pops + ' execution time is: ' + formatted_exec_time + ' seconds')

    The results: it costed 330 seconds in MapBasic, while in Python just costed 84 seconds in average.

    NR_C_ID query

    Any reasons behind it? I thought Python is calling MapBasic to do the query, the performance should be similar.

    Yong Zhang
    Knowledge Community Shared Account
    Burlington MA

  • 2.  RE: Same query huge performance gaps between MapBasic and Python

    Posted 07-22-2024 12:07


    Can you check that the order of the two tables is the same in the two queries?

    To me, it seems as if the order is reversed.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: Same query huge performance gaps between MapBasic and Python

    Posted 07-23-2024 02:03
    Edited by Yong Zhang 07-23-2024 02:11

    Thank you Peter.

    After adjusted the order of the two tables, in from and where statements, time cost by MapBasic reduced to the similar level as Python query.

    Yong Zhang
    Knowledge Community Shared Account
    Burlington MA

  • 4.  RE: Same query huge performance gaps between MapBasic and Python

    Posted 07-23-2024 03:24


    If you are comparing point and polygons, I would recommend using Within/Contains instead of Intersects.

    That should be faster, unless Pro automatically switches to these when it detects that you are comparing points and polygons.

    give it a try and see if it makes a difference performancewise.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data