Precisely Enterworks

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  • 1.  Read-Only Access to View Group Security

    Posted 10 days ago

    Is there a way to enable a security group to view security of other groups without having edit access?

    Currently, when we assign a group "Read" access to another security group, the users with that group can only see the group name in the UI and are not able to view any of the security settings for that group.  When we assign "Edit" access, then the group users can see and edit access of another group.  It doesn't appear that there is a Read-Only version of viewing security settings. (We are currently on version 10.5.4 and will soon be upgrading to 11.)

    Jodi Buck
    Manager, Master Data Platform Services
    Thomson Reuters

  • 2.  RE: Read-Only Access to View Group Security

    Posted 9 days ago


    Limiting access to the security settings for a group is by design - for this to change would require submitting a request to the Precisely Ideas web site.  There is a way to be able to see the security settings by group using the CompareEnableServerExtract_Security.sql script that is part of the KB article:How to Compare the EnterWorks data models or EPX for differences in different environments.  (  The SQL queries in this script are formulated in a way to produce a file that can easily be compared between environments.  If you are looking for something to be more easily consumed by a person, the queries can be tailored to suit.  If they are incorporated into a Stored Procedure, you could set up a View Scheduled Export that would allow someone without direct SQL access to obtain that report.  You can use security on the Scheduled Exports repository to control who would be authorized to run such a report.

    Brian Zupke
    Precisely Software Inc.