I usually work remotely, but I'm in Nottingham until tomorrow lunchtime and asked our ICT people to uninstall 2023. I then reinstalled it. I opened MapInfo, saved the QAT, closed the program and, with a Windows Explorer window open in %appdata%, launched it. And again watched the xml file disappear. I must admit I did swear at that point!
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2025 01:55
From: Peter Møller
Subject: Quick Access Toolbar deleted on program launch MapInfo 2023
Hi David,
If you are still struggling with this, contact our technical support team. They can arrange a screens sharing session
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 08:34
From: David Squires
Subject: Quick Access Toolbar deleted on program launch MapInfo 2023
I'll mull it over this weekend. Perhaps a reinstallation might clear the error?
Thanks again.
David Squires
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 08:31
From: David Squires
Subject: Quick Access Toolbar deleted on program launch MapInfo 2023
Thanks for your reply, Peter. The only difference between your Application Preferences dialogue and mine was that my Ribbon Tab Switching was set to Auto. I selected None, then saved the current state of the ribbon, and noted that the xml appeared in the folder.
I then shut down MapInfo and opened it again, watching the xml file. It disappeared during start up again.
I made the file read only. Whilst not deleted on start up, it didn't load either. I also unticked the Load state on startup box. Again, the file was not deleted, but obviously wasn't available.
David Squires
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 01:40
From: Peter Møller
Subject: Quick Access Toolbar deleted on program launch MapInfo 2023
Morning David
Have you checked your Application Preferences on the Backstage (via the Pro tab)?
For the ribbon state, it is the top part that is of interest. Make sure that you have checked Load State on Startup.
As for the Save State on Exit, I prefer to control when I save these settings so I have left it unchecked, and use the Save Current State option when I have made changes I want to maintain.
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 01-16-2025 13:49
From: David Squires
Subject: Quick Access Toolbar deleted on program launch MapInfo 2023
Recently I began to find that my Quick Access Toolbar is missing when I open MapInfo Pro (2023, build 97). I'd previously had occasional problems with the QAT (in versions 2019 & 2021), which were resolved after a search on the Precisely Knowledge Communities site.
MapInfo 2021 Custom quick access toolbar not saving customizations | MapInfo Pro
The customised ribbon is stored in this file:
I opened up a Windows Explorer file in the Local Appdata folder. During the MIPro launch process, the file disappears and the customised QAT is not available in the program – just the default selection of four buttons.
I can make a new QAT, save it manually and see it in the folder. But it doesn't survive MIPro launch, and I can't see any settings that I might have missed that are causing this to occur.
I'd be grateful for any help and advice - thanks.
David Squires
Definitive Map Review Officer
Nottinghamshire County Council