The query I shared was just an example. You may need to tweak it. For example, it may be that you have some duplicates with both tables joined and need to add some fields for your join. It's hard to tell if those are duplicates or not, but I know you're protecting private data. :)
*Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2025 15:18
From: Susan Raatz
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Hi Sigrid, I did try your query, and it does work and is pulling in all divisions of the customer. However, now it is not pulling in the name for each line of data. See the screenshot below.

Susan Raatz
Senior Data Admin
Pactiv Evergreen
Lake Forest IL
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2025 12:29
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Hi Susan
Thanks for your patience. I tried to use your query - adjusting for my SAP system - and I wasn't able to reproduce this issue.
Here are some suggestions:
- check padding settings on fields - are there spaces in the search terms or is the field zero padded, for example - you can trim whatever the user enters in the form and remove blank spaces in a simple rule
- for LIKE use "*" where you want the wildcard to be (asterisk)
- consider joining KNA1, which has 3 search terms in UPPER CASE - for name, sort key and city. This takes case out of the equation, i.e. city San Francisco will not find san fran* - but if you make the value upper case and use the indexed search term for city, you will search for SAN FRAN* and find it no matter the case that is displayed in SAP.
I'm attaching my example Query, in case you want to try some of these suggestions. Please note I changed the hard coded company and account types, so you would want to change them back.
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
*Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 11:37
From: Susan Raatz
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Script is attached.
Susan Raatz
Senior Data Admin
Pactiv Evergreen
Lake Forest IL
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 11:31
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the additional details. Can you please share your query script?
Sigrid Kok
*Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 11:14
From: Susan Raatz
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Hi Sigrid,
Below is the query criteria:

Below is the results of the query criteria:
The query returns the same customer 3 times because each one is set up in a different division.

Below is my composer form criteria and results.
Same criteria was entered, but only brought back two divisions even though there are 3 divisions of the customer.

Thanks again and let me know if you have any other questions.
Susan Raatz
Senior Data Admin
Pactiv Evergreen
Lake Forest IL
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 10:18
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
Hi Susan
Please share your query and example search criteria. Please give a few examples from Studio and the Form, so that we can help debug it better. Feel free to block out any sensitive data.
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
*Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2025 12:10
From: Susan Raatz
Subject: Query created in SAP correctly, but not all data will display in composer form.
I am having an issue with a query in my form. I am pulling data from SAP. The criteria of the query is sales org, customer account group, name, city, region, and address. The only thing I have specified is that it must be an account group of 'ship to' and must be in a specific sales org. When I run the query in studio it pulls back all the data. However, when I run the query in my Evolve composer form it does not bring back all of the results. For example, I have a ship to that is set up in the same sales org, distribution channel, but different division. It will only pull two of the three divisions back in composer. How do I get all of them to display in my form?
(I have even tried to use the division as a criteria, but again it will work in studio, but not my composer form).
Susan Raatz
Senior Data Admin
Pactiv Evergreen
Lake Forest IL