April 20, 2022
Insight 9.4 Patch 4 - Release Announcement
Patch 4 is being made available for Insight Version 9.4, with details below.
Issue Number
Fixed an issue that caused reports to be duplicated.
Fixed an issue that prevented filtering from working correctly.
Please find the Patch using the following steps.
You can find the Release Notes and Installation Guide, along with all the release files below:
- Please go to https://data.precisely.com
- Click on "My Software Products"
- Click on "Insight"
- In the Releases, please click on "9.4.0"
- You would find below two files related to Insight 9.4 Patch 4
- The zip file II-9.4-17972-4.zip, contains all the files you need to install the patch for the Insight server
- The file II-9.4-17972-4_FixPackReleaseNotes.pdf contains information about Patch Contents, How to Install the Patch, and Contact Information

Please find attached Release Notes for more detailed information on installation steps.