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  • 1.  Nuget packaged for MapXtreme

    Posted 20 days ago


    Are there NuGet packages for MapXtreme available? 

    Is it possible to put the required DLLs into NuGet package? Has anyone tried it?

    I would like to be able to compile MapXtreme dependend application without preinstalling MapXtreme SDK on the machine as I'm using starnard VM image as build agent.

    Kind regards,

    Piotr Kaminski

    Piotr Kaminski
    ISR Engineer
    NCI Agency
    Den Haag

  • 2.  RE: Nuget packaged for MapXtreme

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Piotr

    You shouldn't have to deploy the full MapXtreme SDK on the client machine.

    We recommend using VS to create the deployment.

    It has been described on page 586 in the chapter Packaging your Desktop Application in the MapXtrme Developer Guide

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: Nuget packaged for MapXtreme

    Posted 16 days ago

    Dear Peter,

    I think you didn't understand my problem fully. I'm not trying to use NuGet packages for client deployment. This is done as part of my application.

    What I want to do is to compile the application, which has dependencies on MapXtreme, on the generic VM used as Azure build agent. All other depenencies are retrieved as NuGet packages but MapXtreme requires to install the SDK. I would like to avoid that installation.

    A related question is whether MapXtreme would support .NET Core in the further releases. It is difficult to remain current with the development trends when your application is stuck on using .NET Framework.

    Kind regards,

    Piotr Kaminski

    Piotr Kaminski
    ISR Engineer
    NCI Agency
    Den Haag