Hi Deekshita
My best guess is that SAP is filling in the past value from the first post. To fix this, you have to enable the field that it is remembering and blank it out every time as a fixed value.
It doesn't just happen in CA01. If you run in Debug mode for a few postings, you will see it remembers the value.
Steps to enable it:
1. Go to Expert Mode
2. Click on the View tab
3. Check Disabled fields

Find your group number and enable it - you can click F1 and then technical information to see it

Then set a fixed value to blank - no upload or download

You can then uncheck disabled fields
Give it a try.
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
*Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-22-2025 10:59
From: Deekshita Yakkati
Subject: Need help with CA01
Hi ,
I am doing winshuttle on CA01, so the group number which is generated by SAP is same for all the materials i upload inthat script usually in SAP system generates unique group number once i save material in CA01, But if i perform winshuttle it gives me same group number, can someone help me on this, i have attached an example script of the issue
Thanks & regards,
Deekshita Yakkati
Riverside Natural Foods
Toronto ON