During our Ultranyx MapInfo Pro Day in London last week and a workshop the week before, I encountered questions about opening MS Excel data into MapInfo Pro. In this article, I will cover a few ways to work with MS Excel data in MapInfo Pro.
Happy #MapInfoMonday!
The Standard Way
MapInfo Pro has been able to open MS Excel files for decades. MS Excel is a common format for holding data that you want to analyze in MapInfo Pro.
From the Open dialog, you select Microsft Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx) from the Files of type list.
Now select the MS Excel file to open.
Now wait. Before hitting the Open button, consider if you need to edit the data once it has been brought into MapInfo Pro. If you do, check the Create copy in MapInfo format for read/write.
This will create a copy of the data from the MS Excel file in MapInfo format. This saves you several mouse clicks compared to creating a copy after opening the table into MapInfo Pro.
Next, you will have to select the worksheet and data area that you want to bring into MapInfo Pro in the Excel Information dialog. Start by selecting the Named Range, typically a worksheet from the MS Excel file that you want to load.
The New Way via OGR Vector Files
With the OGR Vector File Support, we added to MapInfo Pro v2021, there is now a new way to open Excel files.
From the Open dialog, select Vector Files (OGR) (*.dxf, *.csv, *.txt, ...) from the Files of type list. The formats listed here have been tested with MapInfo Pro. You can also get a complete list of GDAL OGR formats listed but we haven't tested all these so you may run into issues with some of them. But give them a try. If there is a specific format, you would like to see support, add it as a suggestion on the Precisely Ideas site.
Now select the MS Excel file you want to open.
In the Select One or More Table to Open dialog, you can select one or more of the worksheets to open.
Comparing the two methods
Using OGR Vector Files allows you to easily open multiple worksheets from the same MS Excel file into MapInfo Pro.
Using OGR Vector Files allows you to edit the Excel data in MapInfo Pro. But you can then not make the table mappable and see the data on a map.
Both methods allow you to create points from coordinates in the data. None of the two methods can automatically create points from the data. This is a manual step.
Opening the Excel file via the standard way allows you to check the column types and names. In both cases, you can always use the Table Structure dialog to change the column types and column names after saving the data into a MapInfo table.
Which of the two methods are you using when opening MS Excel data?
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data