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  • 1.  MapBasic Monday: Open MS Excel File through OGR Vector File Support

    Posted 10-21-2024 04:10
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    As a follow-up to last week's article on opening MS Excel files via the OGR Vector Files support that we added to MapInfo Pro v2021, I will show you how to automate this process using MapBasic.

    @Gavin Thomas raised this question in a comment last week.

    Happy #MapInfoMonday and #MapBasicMonday.

    Grabbing MapBasic Code via the MapBasic Window

    I always recommend using the MapBasic window to get an initial idea of how to structure your MapBasic code when automating some new features of MapInfo Pro. 

    Open the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro via the Tool Windows dropdown on the Home tab.

    Now perform the action that you want to automate. MapInfo Pro will write the statements you need to use to perform the actions into the MapBasic window. You only have to adjust these to your purpose.
    Below you can see the statements recorded by the MapBasic window when opening an Excel file through the OGR Vector Files support.
    I noticed that Gavin didn't get this result when he tried the same. The difference was that he checked the option to save a copy of the data into a Native/NativeX table whereas I didn't check this option.
    When you check the option to save a copy, MapInfo Pro uses the MapInfo Data Access Library to create a copy of the Excel sheet. This allows this process to run in the background as you can see in the image below.
    This also means that no actual MapBasic code is being executed to perform this action.
    Below, I will show you how you can perform this using MapBasic.

    Writing a MapBasic Application

    Using the statement from the MapBasic window above, I can create a function allowing me to open a sheet from an MS Excel file into MapInfo Pro using OGR Vector File support.

    I build my functions with the necessary parameters allowing me to control the name of the MS Excel, the sheet, and the name of the MapInfo table. I will also add a parameter that lets me control if the table should be hidden when opened.

    Function OpenXLSXFileOGR(  ByVal sExcelFile As String
    					, ByVal sExcelSheet As String
    					, ByVal sMapInfoTabFile As String
    					, ByVal bHideTable As Logical
    					) As Logical
    OnError GoTo ErrorOccured
    	Print Time(24) & " Register OGR Table ..."
    	Register Table sExcelFile
    		TYPE "OGR"
    		TABLE sExcelSheet
    		Charset "UTF-8"
    		Cache On
    		Into sMapInfoTabFile
    	Print Time(24) & " Open OGR Table ..."
    	If bHideTable Then
    		Open Table sMapInfoTabFile Hide
    		Open Table sMapInfoTabFile
    	End If
    	OpenXLSXFileOGR = TRUE
    	Exit Function
    	Note "Error happended while trying to open sheet " & sExcelSheet & " from Excel file " & sExcelFile & ": " & Err() & ": " & Error$()
    End Function

    As you can see above, I use the Register Table statement to create a MapInfo table referencing a sheet in an MS Excel file. After this, I open the table with or without the Hide keyword depending on the bHideTable parameter.

    This is only the first step which allows me to open a table pointing to the data in the MS Excel file.

    I added the bHideTable parameter so that I can hide the table in case I'm opening the table to make a copy of it.

    I have hard-coded the Charset to "UTF-8". You could also pass this as a parameter to make the function more flexible.

    With this function in place, I can build the main procedure where I open the Excel file and make a copy of it. This part will look like this:

    Sub Main
    Dim sExcelFile, sExcelSheet, sMapInfoTabFile, sTempFile As String
    	sExcelFile		= "C:\Data\2023\2023-Q1-metropolitan-street.xlsx"
    	sExcelSheet		= "2023-03-metropolitan-street"
    	sTempFile			= PathToDirectory$(TempFileName$("")) & ""
    	sMapInfoTabFile	= "C:\Data\2023\Metropolitan street"
    	If OpenXLSXFileOGR(sExcelFile, sExcelSheet, sTempFile, TRUE) Then
    		Print Time(24) & " Commit Table As ..."
    		Commit Table _tempfile
    			As sMapInfoTabFile
    			Type NATIVEX Charset "UTF-8"
    		Close Table _tempfile
    		Print Time(24) & " Open NativeX Table ..."
    		Open Table sMapInfoTabFile
    		Print Time(24) & " Browse from NativeX Table ..."
    		Browse * From PathToTableName$(sMapInfoTabFile)
    	End If
    End Sub

    I start by defining some variables holding the name of the files and sheet.

    Notice that I use a temporary file name for the initial table created to open the MS Excel file into MapInfo Pro. That is because I don't want to keep this file. It's only there to be able to open the MS Excel file and make a copy of it.

    If call my custom function OpenXLSXFileOGR to open the MS Excel file. If this returns TRUE, I can now create a copy of the table, close the temporary table, and finally open the copy that I created.

    I use the Print statements in the code to check that things work and the Time(24) part of these statements allows me to monitor the performance of each step. 

    I hope this was helpful.

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data


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  • 2.  RE: MapBasic Monday: Open MS Excel File through OGR Vector File Support

    Posted 10-21-2024 04:14

    This is fantastic! Thank you so much.

    Gavin Thomas