Date: August 14, 2024
Ironstream Hub – New Release Available
We are very pleased to announce that Ironstream Hub v1.3.9 is now generally available. Highlights of this release include:
Multiple sources for an IBMi pipeline: You may now add and manage multiple IBMi sources to a pipeline, reducing effort and simplifying maintenance of your Ironstream Hub environment. The Hub's status icons are updated to be clearer and show a partially running pipeline where not all sources are active.
Splunk targets through the UI: The Ironstream Hub UI now allows you create a pipeline that will send data directly to Splunk via an HTTP Event Collector (HEC). You can also use the UI to set specific Splunk index name, source and sourcetype values. This new feature means you no longer need to install, configure, run and manage the Splunk Universal Forwarder, although you may continue to do so if you wish.
z/OS data now sent to SecOps as JSON: Working closely in partnership with Google we have altered how we are sending data to the Google Security Operations product. Data is now sent as encapsulated JSON. Google has written a parser specifically for handling Ironstream data, with an identifier of IRONSTREAM_ZOS.
Easier viewing of errors: You can now see the last 5 errors for a pipeline, or a source within a pipeline, directly through the UI. This will reduce the need to log on to the Hub server and find issues by examining complex log files.
Details of new features, along with defect fixes, can be found in the Release Notes document on the Precisely Help Center
Contact Information
If you need technical assistance with any aspect of Ironstream please contact the Precisely Global Support team using the appropriate portal:
Customers - https://customer.precisely.com/
Partners - https://partner.precisely.com/
Other questions relating to this announcement should be directed to the Product Manager, ian.hartley@precisely.com or the Product Owner, nick.varley@precisely.com