Date: June 6, 2024
Ironstream Hub – New Release Available
We are very pleased to announce that Ironstream Hub v1.3.8 is now generally available. Highlights of this release include:
- Datadog targets through the UI: The Ironstream Hub UI now allows you to create a pipeline to send metric or log data to Datadog. Previously, this could only be done through editing configuration files.
- Sending z/OS data to Google Chronicle: You can now send data from Ironstream on z/OS to Google Chronicle. Data is sent in 'LEEF' syslog format.
- An improved upgrade experience: When you upgrade from a previous version you will now find that the Hub and Portal services are restarted automatically.
- Validation of z/OS source fields: The fields required to set up a z/OS source are now validated to avoid issues when starting a pipeline.
- Naming of new processes: When you add a process to the Hub canvas it is now given a unique name. This means that adding other processes is more easily and accurately achieved.
Details of new features and fixes can be found in the Release Notes document on the Precisely Help Center
Contact Information
If you need technical assistance with any aspect of Ironstream please contact the Precisely Global Support team using the appropriate portal:
Customers - https://customer.precisely.com/
Partners - https://partner.precisely.com/
Other questions relating to this announcement should be directed to the Product Manager, ian.hartley@precisely.com or the Product Owner, nick.varley@precisely.com