October 21, 2024
Ironstream Hub – New Release Available
We are very pleased to announce that Ironstream Hub v1.3.10 is now generally available. This release provides these new features:
Running the Hub under zCX: You may now choose to run the Ironstream Hub through containers under the zCX your IBM mainframe. Details of the steps needed to achieve this can be found in the Installation Guide. The functionality of the Hub when run this way is identical to the Windows and Linux versions.
Send to Splunk targets through TCP/IP: The Ironstream Hub UI now allows you create a pipeline that will send data directly to Splunk via a TCP/IP connection, as well as by an HEC (HTTP Event Collector). You can use the UI to set specific Splunk index name, source and sourcetype values for the connection. This new feature means you no longer need to write data to files, and install, configure, run and manage the Splunk Universal Forwarder, although you may continue to do so if you wish.
Send data to Microsoft Sentinel: Ironstream Hub can send JSON data from IBMi and IBM Z systems for use with Microsoft's Sentinel. Through the UI you can set parameters including the stream name, Directory and Rule IDs as well as provide the Application ID and Application secret and choose the Azure region where your Sentinel environment is running.
Updated landing page: Ironstream Hub's landing page has been redesigned to conform to updated standards within Precisely. In addition, the 'top right' items such as the About and Support links are moved to the 'bottom left' of the pipelines page.
Settings page: A new settings page is now available from the UI's landing page. The first of several tabs is implemented here to provide a means of obtaining diagnostic information, primarily for Support purposes. Additional functionality will be built out in subsequent releases of the Hub.
Details of new features, along with defect fixes, can be found in the Release Notes document on the Precisely Help Center.
Contact Information
If you need technical assistance with any aspect of Ironstream please contact the Precisely Global Support team using the appropriate portal:
Customers - https://customer.precisely.com/
Partners - https://partner.precisely.com/
Other questions relating to this announcement should be directed to either:
Product Manager, ian.hartley@precisely.com
Product Owner, nick.varley@precisely.com