Hi Caleb,
The version of Angular was upgraded from v4 to v11 in SSA 22.1 and there are some syntax changes between those versions. Most of the code that was written for SSA 20.1 will still work in 22.1 but sometimes minor changes are required, for example some of the imports have been renamed and the way some functions are called is slightly different.
There is some info in section 3 of the extensibility-guide , which may apply to your info template.
Duri Bradshaw
Spatial IT Consultant
Insight GIS
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2023 00:49
From: Caleb Kantepudi
Subject: Info templates customised for SSA 2022.1
Hi All,
I am looking if anyone has developed customised info templates in accordion style for 2022.1. For eg: under sections such as planning info, owners info, garbage info etc as below image. For some reason, I had the template developed for 2020.1 but doesnt work for the 2022.1 as it creates some ID for each column.
Caleb Kantepudi
Sunchine VIC