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  • 1.  IA05 - Reverse order Operations for Tasklist

    Posted 11-11-2024 14:09
    Edited by Abhishek Soni 11-11-2024 14:10


    I have a script that is working for uploading tagged FLOC task list. However, I have to enter operations in descending order to have all the operations loaded with their maintenance strategies. Is there a way that I can make it in ascending order to be able to look at the information in correct order?

    Abhishek S
    Arlington VA


    IA05_LOAD SHEET 2 2.xlsx   14 KB 1 version
    IA05_TL Load Sheet 2.Txr   515 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: IA05 - Reverse order Operations for Tasklist

    Posted 11-13-2024 06:55

    HI Abhishek

    You're right - there are many places in SAP that "push down" what you have entered already when you click insert, like this tcode and adding WBS elements in a project - where order is important.

    There are usually navigation buttons on the top (but not always enabled) and often an insert button, like below

    One thing you can do is overwrite the operation number - and it will self correct

    I added the 2nd row below above the first one

    when you hit enter it goes to the right order

    otherwise, please use the navigation buttons on the top in the first screen shot.  Last Page + Page Down ensures that the last line in the grid is empty - but you can test it yourself.  then hit enter after entering your data in the last row, and it will move it up.  Include that inside the loop.

    Hope that helps,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: IA05 - Reverse order Operations for Tasklist

    Posted 11-14-2024 08:29
    Edited by Abhishek Soni 11-14-2024 08:30

    I think I was not clear enough in my original post. I have to enter operations in descending order in the load file to correctly load in SAP. Because Insert entry in Operations goes to insert line on ABOVE the entry however in the maintenance packs, the new line goes to the NEXT entry that's why the loop is getting confused whether to add new data on top or bottom lines. 

    Abhishek S
    Arlington VA

  • 4.  RE: IA05 - Reverse order Operations for Tasklist

    Posted 11-15-2024 07:27
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 11-21-2024 12:33

    Yes, Abishek, you were clear.

    Option 1: If you include the line number, it will correct the order as I showed in my screen shots

    (1) click insert

    (2) enter row including line number - which is above existing rows

    (3) hit enter - including line number will reorder the lines to the line number order, correcting their order

    Put a loop around the above.

    Option 2: Otherwise record

    (1) page to bottom

    (2) page down

    (3) enter your new item in the bottom row

    (4) hit enter

    Put a loop around these steps.



    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.