You can get to these coordinates by extracting the Minimum coordinates from the MBR (Minimum Bounding Rectangle) around the text object.
This query will extract the lower left coordinate for the text:
Set Coordsys Table N2Text
Select q.*, CreatePoint(ObjectGeography(MBR(OBJ), OBJ_GEO_MINX), ObjectGeography(MBR(OBJ), OBJ_GEO_MINY)) Object
From N2Text As "q"
Into Selection
Here you can see the start point with the text. The Start Point is a purple dot under the two text objects.
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 05-27-2024 05:14
From: Chinese .
Subject: How to get Start X/ Start Y of text string in MapInfo Pro?
We are trying to get the coordinates of the first character of the text string in the layer, we can get the coordinates of the center of the string using CentroidX /CentroidY, but we can't find out how to get the coordinates of the start point. Hope someone could give us some advice.
Chinese .
System & Technology Corporation
New Taipei City