Ah ignore me, my first attempt didn't work but I had my x and y mixed up like an idiot.
FTR (although I'm sure everyone knows):
Ensure START has X and Y coordinate fields, then
Add Column START (EndX) From END set to Centroidx(obj) where EndID = ID
Add Column START (EndY) From END set to Centroidy(obj) where EndID = ID
Update START set Dist = Distance(X, Y, EndX, EndY, "m")
Might be a quicker way of doing it but I'm cool with this.
Ryan Cook
Original Message:
Sent: 07-04-2024 09:58
From: Ryan Cook
Subject: Distance from a referenced point
I have a table of points called "START" with the following fields:
ID, EndID, Dist
I have a second table of points called END with the following fields:
I would like to update Table START, populating the field Dist with the distance between the Start object, and the object in table END as referenced by each rows EndID.
Ryan Cook