The Precisely Data Experience (PDX) portal provides access to the software you are entitled to download.
Within PDX, navigating to 'My Software Products' and then selecting the 'Data360 Analyze Enterprise Server-Subscription' will list the software installers and associated files.
Data360 Analyze Installation and configuration documentation is no longer produced in PDF form - instead the documentation is now delivered online. The 'DocumentationReadMe.pdf' file provides a link to the Precisely Help Center, which hosts the product documentation. The Data360 Analyze documentation is listed within the 'Verify' category.
Scroll down to the 'Data360 Analyze Server Installation' item and ensure you select the correct version of the documentation you require (3.16) and click the link. This will then display the required installation guide.
The 'Upgrading to the latest version of Data360 Analyze' section of the document describes the process required to upgrade to the 3.16 release.
The JRE shipped with Data360 Analyze release 3.16.0 is Amazon Corretto-
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2025 00:25
From: Veera Vasantha
Subject: Data3sixty Version Upgrade from 3.12.X to 3.16.X ?
Hi Experts,
can you explain the process of Data3sixty Version Upgrade from 3.12.X to 3.16.X ?
what are steps involved?
which latest version of jdk have been used in data3sixty 3.16
Thanks & Regards
Veera Vasantha
Assistant Vice President