Data360 Analyze Product Announcements

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Data360 Analyze 3.12.4 Release Announcement

  • 1.  Data360 Analyze 3.12.4 Release Announcement

    Posted 06-13-2024 00:52
    Edited by Ejazul Haque 06-13-2024 00:53
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    13 June, 2024

    Data360 Analyze 3.12.4 Release Announcement

    Analyze version 3.12.4 has been made available on PDX and can be downloaded from below location:
    This release offers the following enhancement along with a few fixes details of which can be found in the attached released note:
    • The CSP headers have been tuned to tighten security and improve the security posture of the application. The Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers are now returned with every response from the Data360 Analyze web application. 
    • All HTTP requests to the Data360 Analyze web application with HTTP methods other than GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE will be denied with a 403 error.
    • For tracking purposes, the Database Metadata and Database Profiler nodes now append Precisely information in the connection parameters. When connecting to Snowflake, the JDBC URL now contains: application=PreciselyAnalyze
    • An additional Minimal option is added to the Azure Data Lake Storage List node MetadataMode property. When chosen, custom user-defined metadata and the creation date are not reported by the node, however extreme performance improvements can be expected when choosing this option.

    To know more about the 3.12.4  release and learn about all the updates, please see the Release Notes

    Contact Information

    If you would like any technical assistance, please contact the Precisely Global Support team at

    Ejazul Haque
    Product Owner
    Precisely Software Inc.
