Data360 Analyze Product Announcements

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Data360 Analyze 3.12.1 Release Announcement

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  • 1.  Data360 Analyze 3.12.1 Release Announcement

    Posted 06-04-2023 14:18
    Edited by Ejazul Haque 06-04-2023 14:17
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    June 04, 2023

    Data360 Analyze 3.12.1 Release

    The Data360 Analyze 3.12.1 is released and is available for download from the Precisely Data Experience Platform.

    This is a maintenance release and provides improvements around UI performance when using the application over an extended period of time, Improved user interaction when the Smart Guides are enabled, corrected Cache resolution entry, upgrading a number of third-party libraries to take advantage of any new features and security fixes, fixes around memory leaks in the application UI, and many other fixes.

    For more details about this release and the fixes provided, please see the attached release notes.

    Ejazul Haque
    Precisely Software Inc.
