Hi Harsha,
It appears that your InfogixAssureBus is offline ( or not functioning correctly ). I recommend following what is outlined within the following article :
Clearing JMS Store Errors (precisely.com)Moving forward, I welcome the team to post these questions within the Assure DQ community rather than the announcement page :
Assure DQ - Precisely Knowledge CommunitiesIf any additional questions surface, I look forward to discussing further within the community forum.
Matthew Kennedy
Edit : Migrated this post to the "Assure DQ Community" for the team
Original Message:
Sent: 06-07-2022 11:40
From: Harsha Hosur
Subject: CWSIT0088E no messaging engines in bus InfogixAssureBus running
CWSIT0088E: There are currently no messaging engines in bus InfogixAssureBus running. Additional failure information: CWSIT0103E: No messaging engine was found that matched the following parameters: bus=InfogixAssureBus, targetGroup=null, targetType=BusMember, targetSignificance=Preferred, transportChain=InboundSecureMessaging, proximity=Bus ---- Has anyone faced this error before ?
Harsha Hosur
Erie Indemnity Company
Erie PA