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  • 1.  Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 01-11-2024 05:42

    How to create a Script for Customer Text in Sales and Distribution Area as shown below in the screenshot, if I receive Long Text for random text ID form business.
    How to pick the random IDs in WinShuttle recording as the field is grayed out.

    Hrishikesh Kumar

  • 2.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 01-15-2024 02:01

    Hi Hrishikesh,

    If you have the winshuttle function module installed, you can use the record long text option together with an if statement to distinguish between the different text.

    Other option is to use a BAPI RFC_SAVE_TEXT, this can work without an if statement if you provide the text application object, the key (where you need to load on) and the text ID. Important note, language code is different from what you are used to, e.g. EN is E. (STHX table)



    Rick Compen
    Data Engineer
    Lumileds Netherlands B.V.

  • 3.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 01-19-2024 01:42

    What is the name of the function module which need to be installed?

    Hrishikesh Kumar

  • 4.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 01-19-2024 10:18

    Hi Hrishikesh

    It's part of the product offering.  It's often called the Winshuttle Function Module (WFM) or Automate Function Module (AFM).  It typically gets installed in your SAP system.  It's certified by SAP and it's all in our own namespace in SAP, i.e. it doesn't change SAP behavior/functionality, just supplement it.

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 01-16-2024 19:01

    Hi Hrishikesh

    Documentation on the options are here:

    If you have the function module installed, all you have to do is record opening a BP and exit.  

    Go to the map tab and choose to add long text.  Then you can simple choose which ones you want to add/download/update

    Each text type will have fields added, like BP number, text and language.  If it's specific for a company or sales area, it will include those fields.  You can map them al to the SAP BP # and language, and then you'll have the long text as one string.  You can upload or download each text field.

    Hope this helps,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 6.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 11-07-2024 03:55

    hi Sigrid, we are on AFM24.0

    When I record opening a BP and exit, coming back in the script and clicking Add Long text, only shows me a few BUT000 options.

    I am searching for Long text in the KNVV object.

    In your print screen I see some KNA1 options as well to select from, but those I do neither see.

    Any suggestions?

    Ed Meiners
    Lead Consultant MDIM
    Wessanen Nederland Holding BV

  • 7.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 11-07-2024 11:11
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 11-07-2024 11:29

    HI Ed

    I believe this has to do with the entries in the custom tables we use for long text in our Function Module.

    In my SAP S4 system, I see this

    SM30 table /WINSHTLQ/LTXMAP - this table lists the tcode and tables associated with it

    I manually added a row 00144 BP H KNVV and then see the options in a BP Transaction update script

    As a test I added shipping instructions from KNVV and see this added to my script - customer (BP) number and sales org

    You will want to be sure they're also in this table, which I didn't change

    SM30 table /WINSHTLQ/MANDTX - this table lists the key fields for that object's long text.

    Hope that helps unravel at least some of it.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 8.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 11-08-2024 02:21

    Hi Sigrid,

    Wow! That is interesting. Would love to continue with this but then also some questions arise:

    In our system, I only see 0085 (S/N) BP H BUT000 

    I do see KNVV several times but linked to ECC transactions.

    • are those serial numbers freely assignable? 
    • how about "name space"?
    • if I make changes to that table and in the future do an upgrade of the AFM will it be gone?

    Should I go to Precisely Support to add entries to these tables or are your customers supposed to make changes themselves?

    In our sandbox environment I can of course play with it.


    Best regards


    Ed Meiners
    Lead Consultant MDIM
    Wessanen Nederland Holding BV

  • 9.  RE: Customer Master Customer Text

    Posted 11-08-2024 07:13
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 11-08-2024 20:18

    Hi Ed

    Those are good questions.  I'm just sharing how I understand the configuration works. 

    I believe there is more to it under the covers.  I just tried the BUT000 long text, and it works, but not KNA1, KNB1 nor KNVV. You might want to open a support ticket to see what is supported for your release.  I have an older FM, so that may be the reason.

    As to the question of how long text works via the Function Module, it has to be an update or display script, i.e. the object must already exist.  All you have to do is record opening it and then you can exit, no save required unless you are updating other fields.  The entire text string can be mapped and downloaded and/or uploaded, with no need to break it into 72 character lines or loop.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.