MapInfo Pro Developers User Group

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  • 1.  Combine different polygons to create a single one

    Posted 10-21-2022 03:34
    I'm trying to combine several polygons into one. Some are adjacent and some other are not. Tried to select them and it does not work, so I cannot use the combine command or simply save as my selection.
    Any idea how can I solve this? Thanks a lot. I'm using Mapinfo 2021

    joachim Denaeyer

  • 2.  RE: Combine different polygons to create a single one

    Posted 10-24-2022 02:16
    Hi Joachim

    There are multiple ways you can select several objects in MapInfo Pro. You can use the normal Select tool and select the first, and then hold the Shift key down while selecting additional records. You can also use Radius Selection, Marquee Selection, or Polygon Selection to select multiple objects within a drawn area.

    To be able to combine the selected objects, the layer these objects belong to needs to be made Editable in the Layer List.

    If you want to add objects from one layer to an object in another layer, you can select the object you want to add to, set this as your target (using Ctrl+T), and then select the object(s) you want to add, and then use Combine Selected Objects to add the selected objects to the target object.

    A few things to note:
    • Your layer needs to be selectable in the Layer List
    • You can only select from one layer at a time.
    • You can only select from vector layers, not from raster layers
    Sorry if I have been stating the obvious

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: Combine different polygons to create a single one

    Posted 10-24-2022 08:55
    Thanks a lot for this prompt answer. That is clear for me. My mistake was that I was trying to combine different polygons not coming from the same layer...Have a nice day.

    joachim Denaeyer

  • 4.  RE: Combine different polygons to create a single one

    Posted 10-24-2022 08:21
    Edited by Jim Coleman 10-24-2022 08:21
    All of your polygons need to be on the same layer as well, or you can't select them all at the same time.  Which is part of what Peter said above.
