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  • 1.  Calling external Java Functions from EPX workflow BIC

    Posted 23 days ago

    We have custom java functions that is packed as a jar file and placed on the Enterworks server. These custom functions invoke java services which returns a specific value that gets saved on the record in Enterworks repository.

     The way we call this custom function is via a VTL rule, an example:

     #set( $str="")##

    #set( $plimcp=$str.getClass().forName("com.lululemon.plim.enable.service.ClientEnableFunctions"))##

    #if(${Country} != '' && ${City} != '' && ${Postal Code} != '' && ${Address Type} != '')

    #set( $criteria= $plimcp.getCustomFunction("geocode","street=${Address Line 1}|city=${City}|state=${State}|postalCode=${Postal Code}|countryCode=${Country}|ctrl=1").toString())##






    I want to invoke this same function from a workflow at a specific point. Is there any BIC through which I can call these custom java functions, instead of using VTL rule?

    Bighnajit Mishra
    Lululemon Athletica

  • 2.  RE: Calling external Java Functions from EPX workflow BIC

    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Bighnajit,

    You can create custom BIC's that will fire the process as long as the class is defined, etc.  Below is a brown bag session Brian did that describes how to create a Custom EPX Callout BIC. 

    Eric Gilboe
    Practice Director - EnterWorks
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