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Bapi or script to update BP UKM000 role : Credit Management, Credit Profile

  • 1.  Bapi or script to update BP UKM000 role : Credit Management, Credit Profile

    Posted 11-05-2024 03:51


    I am after a BAPI for BP UKM000 role :  Credit Management,  Credit Profile

    Depending on the date of the existing credit limit, several warning messages are displayed. I can't seem to record a script that will cater for all scenarios.

    Is there perhaps a BAPI for updates on Credit profile: Check rule and Credit Group?

    credit profile

    Renette Nienaber
    Data Management specialist

  • 2.  RE: Bapi or script to update BP UKM000 role : Credit Management, Credit Profile

    Posted 11-06-2024 15:57

    Hi Rennette

    BP can be a beast to automate.

    I don't know of a BAPI for the credit role, but a couple of things you can try:

    1. Try to record it in BATCH mode.  When pop-ups cause problems, that's my go to.
    2. Fiori automation if you are on version 24.x.  There's an app called Manage Credit Accounts.
    3. Try to record in GUI scripting mode - my last choice, but sometimes it's the best way to go..

    I hope one of the above will work for you.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.