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  • 1.  Automate email based on prior dropdown response

    Posted 14 days ago


    I am hoping someone can help me with this issue.  Currently I have a dropdown in my form with a requirement selection.  The next dropdown is a request of options.  If they select a specific option then I want an email to be sent to a specific user based off of the first dropdown and second dropdown.  All of these users are in the same group.  Is this possible?  I have tried many ways, but cannot seem to get it to work.  The only alternative I could think of was to create several swim lanes and multiple groups, but that seems to be excessive.  Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Susan Raatz
    Senior Data Admin
    Pactiv Evergreen
    Lake Forest IL

  • 2.  RE: Automate email based on prior dropdown response

    Posted 14 days ago
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 14 days ago
      |   view attached

    Hi Susan

    That sounds like a challenge!

    (1) You may consider using an email swimlane.  When your form options resolve who to send the email to, use that solution field to assign them to the swimlane. Then route your workflow to the email plugin if the list of recipients is not blank, otherwise skip it.

    For the Email group swimlane, set the participant resolver to be a solution field - and that solution field will hold an email or a semicolon separated list of email addresses

    click the "..." and find the field that has the email address(es) and set to column

    I used a Reference data list - based on a division selection in the form, it set the email address(es) to a field called EmailGroup

    You'll do that with your form options however you wish.

    Use the Send Email plugin in the workflow.  The TO: field should be the solution field with email address(es)

    If you want the email to go out before moving on - use the Continue without waiting and set it to false

    click the ...

    set the To to your form field and then use whatever subject and body you wish.  You can right click and include "tokens" which means form fields.

    I used a condition so that if the email group field was empty, it didn't do the send email, otherwise it sent it to whoever was in email group field

    Send Mail plugin documentation: 

    Workflow swimlane participant resolvers documentation: 

    Hope that gives you something to try.  Example attached, including RDL and solution I tested this in and exported.  I had to zip both together, because this platform doesn't support attaching a .wzip file.

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    *Precisely Software Inc.
