Typing "analyzeCli" (without the quotes) will display help information on standard commands.
Typing "analyzeCli help advanced" will display help information on more niche commands.
You can also type "analyzeCli <command> --help" to list command-specific options for a particular command.
The 'buildIndexes' 'cleanIndexes' and 'rebuildIndexes' command options relate to the indexes which are used in the Search panel within the designer view of Analyze (where the context is the currently open data flow). The analyzeCli tool uses these indexes when a search is initiated across specified directories or the entire system. However, the indexes may be stale if data flows are moved (the existing indexes over that data flow will be cleared but are only reindexed when the data flow is next opened). These commands can be used to build/clear/rebuild the indexes for the specified container locator (which could be a data flow or a directory). There is the option to recurse within the specified container locator.
Usage: clearCaches [-t <cacheTargets>]
--targets(-t) - Specify in comma separated list the explicit cache targets to clear. Available targets: resolvedSearchPathSets, resolvedElementFingerprints, resolvedLibraryNodes, elementFingerprints, editSessionModCache, evaluatedElementFingerprints, resolvedAcls, resolvedElements
The clearCaches [-t <cacheTargets>] command option is used to clear specific types of items in the Analyze cache. For instance resolved elements such as nodes and child data flows used within a dataflow. The command clears the specified cache type and certain in-memory caches used by the system. However we do not recommend using this command while data flows are running as it can lead to execution errors. We recommend that, should it be necessary to clear the caches then the following process is used to clear the cache and indexes:
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 02:12
From: Toby Harkin
Subject: Analyze CLI Commands
Does anyone know how we can get more detail on some of the Analyze CLI commands?
Currently looking for more detail on the following but a full documentation would be great.
buildIndexes -R <Container Locator> - Recursively build search indexes for data flows under the specified container locator. If the provided container is a graph locator then only the indexes for that data flow will be built..
cleanIndexes -R <Container Locator> - Recursively clean search indexes for data flows under the specified container locator. If the provided container is a graph locator then only the indexes for that data flow will be cleaned..
clearCaches - Clear all the caches registered for cleanup on the system..
clearCaches -t resolvedElementFingerprints,resolvedElements - Clear the resolvedElementFingerprints and resolvedElements caches. .
Toby Harkin
Telstra Corporation Limited
Sydney NSW