April 16, 2024
A new service pack for Ironstream for Splunk, Kafka and Elastic on Z has been released
A new service pack for Ironstream for Splunk, Kafka and Elastic on Z is released and can be downloaded from PDX:
This service pack is a cumulative PTF containing the full set of maintenance from the last base build of the product. 12 new PTFs are added to Ironstream in this service pack beyond that in the v2.1.3 level. They are described in the A-Ironstream for z V2.1.4 KBA and PTF Summary document that can be found at the PDX page link above. The link above also provides you with downloads of the latest maintenance for Zen and other related components of Ironstream.
The PTF ID for this service pack is SDF21P8. Applying this PTF will automatically include all pre-requisite maintenance and bring your Ironstream software up to the latest level. It will increment the displayed version of Ironstream to v2.1.4.
From this service pack the format of the cumulative PTF we deliver is changed from an unloaded partitioned dataset with each member being an individual PTF, to a single sequential dataset containing all the PTFs one after the other. This simplifies the transport of the PTF to the mainframe as well as its processing with SMP/E.
The next service pack is scheduled for release in July 2024.
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