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  • 1.  VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-28-2021 22:51
    I am having an issue with VL01N script.  After selecting serial numbers, the Green Check OK is missing when Run or Run Stop on Errors, but not in the Debug mode.

    Run – Stop on Errors…Green Check missing

    Debug – Green Check OK code exists

    I have tried various modes without any success.  I am also attaching the script.
    Please let me know if you have suggestions.


    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811


    VL01N_20210728_171714.Txr   2.36 MB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 02:46
    Hello Deirdre Chelius,

    why you are having column 'E' is nothing?

    in debugging mode only trigger OK-CODE screen. OK_CODE is the last entry of the screen.

    if you click on the run mode it will executed fully. if you select stop at error it will only stop at the movement remaining all not executed.

    Mahesh Rallapalli.

    mahesh rallapalli | Winshuttle
    ARLANXEO Deutschland GmbH | +9196765105239

  • 3.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 07:54
    Column E is not part of the script.  It is going to be used as additional information for the user (Material Number).

    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811

  • 4.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 08:50
    Also, to clarify, I receive an error when selecting Run.
    Error message is - No batch input data for dynpro (SAPLIPW1 0300 List of Serial Numbers as Table Control).

    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811

  • 5.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 09:20
    Hi Deirdre ,
    Can you please walk me through what you're trying to do?

    I'm familiar with SD & deliveries.  I can create a sales order with a serialized product, then create a delivery creation script that:
    (1) passes in header data
    (2) searches for a product in the delivery
    (3) updates the qty (as needed, since it defaults to the sales order qty)
    (4) then clicks Extra - Serial Numbers
    (5) generates the serial numbers
    (6) adds a loop for steps 2-5

    You mention there are check boxes missing?  What specifically please? 

    BTW, I also created a sales order where I assigned serial numbers there like below (extras - tech object)

    but the equipment checkbox is not available in the delivery - and in both cases not editable.

    So again, please advise on your flow and specifically what is missing.  

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA

  • 6.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 10:24
    I am creating a delivery for a Credit Memo.  The CM may be created for a quantity of 20, but this delivery is only for less than the 20. The steps I am using are:
    1. Initiate the delivery
    2. Go To Serial Numbers
    3. Delete all of the serial numbers
    4. Change to quantity to the desired quantity
    5. Go To Serial Numbers
    6. Select the Serial Numbers
    7. Green Check to exit the Maintain Serial Numbers (See Screenshot previously sent)
    8. Post

    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811

  • 7.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 13:40
    Hi Deirdre

    Thanks for the reply. 

    You state you're creating a credit memo then modifying the delivery.   Are you creating a return order and feeding that to a return delivery?   I'm trying to replicate what you have, as best as I can.  I have to create a returns order, and I have to delete the serial numbers in the return order to change the quantity.  It won't let me do that in the return delivery.  

    Regardless, I tried to run your script to create the returns delivery, and it gets lost here - it doesn't recognize the screen I am on - so there's no pop-up with an OK code to click the green checkbox, and I do get one:
    In the script, that's here:
    In my system - it's a different screen name for the serial number pop-up - you have screen 0300 - not 0200.  I'm in an ECC system.  Are you in S4? 

    I can record the script using standard mode, and the green checkbox is enabled.  But your process may be different, as well as your SAP system.  Given these differences, I think it may be best to open a support ticket to see if you guys can walk through it together. 

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA

  • 8.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-29-2021 17:07
    Hi Sigrid,
    Hopefully I am answering your questions correctly.  I am using ECC not S4.
    You are correct - We have an RE that exists.  

    I am creating a delivery for the RE, but it is not for the complete quantity.  The best method I was finding to adjust the delivery quantity, was to Go to the Serial Numbers, select them all and delete them. Next go out of the serial numbers, excepting the warnings, and then changing the quantity. Next go back to serial numbers and enter them to match the quantity.

    I agree with you that my script is stopping here -
    The code in my script that should be selecting the Green Check is this - 

    If I go through Debug mode, it does include the step -
    In Debug mode, my script completes.

    Thanks for checking into this.

    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811

  • 9.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-30-2021 08:26
    Hi Sigrid,

    Here is a screenshot

    I have submitted a support ticket.

    Deirdre Chelius | IT Directory - Data Governance
    Generac Power Systems, Inc. | 2625444811

  • 10.  RE: VL01N Delivery Studio 12.1 Script Issue

    Posted 07-30-2021 09:42
    Hi Deirdre,

    Thanks for the reply.  My understanding was that the RE is updated for the qty, and the delivery inherited it, but I suppose everyone has their own process. :)

    I was using ECC, too.  It's puzzling your screens are different, but SAP systems can vary, as well.   Since our systems are different, I still think it will be best to have Support help you, so I'm glad you opened a ticket.

    Best of luck!

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA