MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 04-11-2018 17:08

    On the layout table there is an option to Reorder layers (Bring To Front, Send To Back). However, I see no way to do this with individual points that are stacked on other points within the same layer, particularly in a thematic map. Other than creating a new layer, is there a way to accomplish this? I'm using MapInfo Pro v16.0.3. This seems like basic functionality that I must be missing. I'm fairly certain that I can move the data points that I want to the end of my table but that is a clunky solution when I need to create different maps based on the same database which would then force me to create a duplicate table, reorder those records, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • 2.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 04-11-2018 20:43

    Hi Drew - you're not missing anything, there is no native control for the z-order applied to object rendering. One method of controlling this is to create a query table (Table >> SQL Select) and then add the query table to your Map window, objects in query tables will be drawn in the order the data appears in the table (so first object in the query will be first drawn, then 2nd, etc right through to the last object). Good news is that a query will be preserved in your Workspace so no need to recreate this in your next session.

  • 3.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 04-12-2018 08:39

    Thanks Ashley, I appreciate it. I wish there was a way to right click on a point and have the send to back/bring to front options, but maybe that will exist in a future release.

  • 4.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 04-12-2018 15:20

    Thanks Reniel, I'll do that, great idea.

  • 5.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 04-13-2018 05:19

    The draw order is controlled by the spatial index. So when MapInfo Pro is rendering a layer on a map, it uses the spatial extent of the map to query to data within that extent.

    The data is drawn in the order it's being returned.

    If you use a query instead, Pro doesn't use the spatial index because the spatial index doesn't exist for the query. So it draws the records in the order they appear in the table.

    If there is certain values you want to appear on top of other values, you could consider using two thematic layers where the lower one only shows the lower values - or the less important values - and the top one shows the high values - or the most important value.

    Also be aware of the Fast Point Rendering mechanisme that can prevent certain points from being drawn if another point has already been rendered at the some location.

  • 6.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 05-15-2018 15:23

    My MapInfo allows me to click & drag my layers (in the list on the left) to rearrange the order.

  • 7.  RE: Way to reorder points on a map?

    Posted 05-16-2018 16:02

    Thanks @Corey Graft?, I can do that as well, but I can't reorder points that are embedded and plotted within the same layer which is why I was hoping for a Windows-like "Send to back" or "Send to front" option when right-clicking on them.