Assure DQ

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  • 1.  Infogix Assure Client V9R3 apply patch failed

    Posted 10-13-2020 07:09

    Attempting to apply the following patch for Infogix - Assure 9.3 Fixpack: IA-9.3-21543-0.

    Submitting the following command from bin folder. 

    ./ -c UNIT apply IACZ-9.3-21543-0 IA


    Getting the following error 

    /PX3RSC/usr/lpp/SYSC/infogix/assure/V9R3/InfogixClient/components/BuildScripts/build-solution-client-imported.xml:1914: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /PX3RSC/usr/lpp/SYSC/infogix/assure/V9R3/InfogixClient/components/BuildScripts/build-solution-client-imported.xml:1879: Unable to find update: /PX3RSC/usr/lpp/SYSC/infogix/assure/V9R3/InfogixClient/maintenance/updates/IA/


    Background information


    Subdirectories for product stored in the following parent directory.




    The working directory utilizes symbolic links as the folders maintenance and tmp are located elsewhere.  


    maintenance symbolic link that point to the following /var/AM/infogix/assure93/maintenance


    tmp symbolic link that point to the following /var/AM/infogix/assure93/tmp


    /var/AM/infogix/assure93 - 



    PATCH LOCATION - Actual directory containing patch can be found in /var/AM/infogix/assure93/maintenance/updates/IA





  • 2.  RE: Infogix Assure Client V9R3 apply patch failed

    Posted 10-13-2020 07:13

    The last screenshot shows that IACZ-9.3-21543-0 is a directory instead of a zip file. Can you remove the directory and add the file to same location?

  • 3.  RE: Infogix Assure Client V9R3 apply patch failed

    Posted 10-13-2020 07:37

    I apologize didn't realize this was submitted on the community page. 
    Please delete this post. I have submitted a separate request for this issue. 

    Thank you

  • 4.  RE: Infogix Assure Client V9R3 apply patch failed

    Posted 10-13-2020 08:18

    This location works too - it keeps the information public in case other users have the same question. I see in the ticket that you referenced that the error message above was resolved. Since the new issue was reported as a ticket, we'll continue there.