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  • 1.  Using Pre-Filled Data Template for Runners in Winshuttle

    Posted 04-20-2022 13:06

    I have checked Winshuttle training docs and have not been able to find a way for a Runner to run created scripts posted on Evolve with a pre-filled data file template. Right now, our Runner users have to open up the script via Evolve and then, since that opens up the data file template that was originally posted with the solution, they have to copy and paste the information they wish to process. 

    We would like for our Runner users to be able to save the data file template locally, have it filled out with the necessary info and then be able to use that same data file to run with a script posted to Evolve (no copy and paste needed). 

    What I have found is that you can open the data file in Excel, log-in to Winshuttle Studio via Excel plug-in and then you are able to open a script with the current data in the dropdown but it is only scripts that are saved locally to the user's computer. This is not a good practice as users may be running outdated scripts on their local folders.

    Please let me know if anyone has found a good solution for this.

    Appreciate the assistance!


    Knavis McGowan | Master Data Specialist

  • 2.  RE: Using Pre-Filled Data Template for Runners in Winshuttle

    Posted 04-20-2022 19:17
    Hi Knavis,

    If I'm understanding you correctly,  Runners are more comfortable in Excel, so I recommend that method:
    • in Excel, login to Evolve and go to the Evolve tab, where you can find and open a template from Evolve  
    • Use Excel to do save a copy locally - File - Save or File - Save As
    • Then later you can open it, load data, login to Evolve and either run the scripts embedded in it, or submit it for approvals. 
    • Please note if version checking is enabled and you have an older version, it will tell you to use the newer version.

    Your screen shot is showing an Excel file with no scripts embedded.  That's not the case for me.  This is what I see in a template I've downloaded in the above method

    Another way to download the template requires developer access, which is why it's not recommended for runners - go to the Solutions tab, choose your library for the scripts, check the box next to the one you want to download and click Download A Copy:

    If I misunderstood what you're asking for, please elaborate.

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA

  • 3.  RE: Using Pre-Filled Data Template for Runners in Winshuttle

    Posted 04-25-2022 11:04
    Hi Sigrid,

    Thank you for the reply!

    I am looking for the ability for Runners to quickly/seamlessly access the scripts without having to save the .Txr script file beforehand. For example, say the Runners have only the Excel template saved for an XD01 Create Customer Account script. They have the requester fill out the necessary info in the template and return it back to them. They then log into Studio via Excel plug-in and can select the XD01 script in Evolve and run with the information the requester filled out. Right now, if we try to select an Evolve script, it overwrites the requester information in the Excel template with the data that the script was submitted to Evolve with. 

    My screenshot above is trying to use this same method of opening the Excel template first and then logging into Studio. I am a Developer so my dropdown list shows many script options that I have saved locally but this would not be the same for runners.

    If saving the script beforehand is the only solution for our runners, can you share where to enable version checking?

    Thank you for all the help! Please let me know if you need any clarification, it is difficult to explain!


    Knavis McGowan | Master Data Specialist

  • 4.  RE: Using Pre-Filled Data Template for Runners in Winshuttle

    Posted 04-25-2022 13:00
    Hi Knavis

    It sounds like you have a scenario with a requestor and approver/person who posts.

    The requestor can download the template, with the script embedded, fill it in and email it or drop it on a shared drive.  Then the appover/person who posts could pick it up, login via Excel and run it.

    I believe this could be more easily accomplished with the OOTB workflows.  Documentation here:
    • One step - submitter/requestor creates request and submits - choosing an approver from a group of approvers, then the approver can approve and post
    • Two step - submitter/requestor creates request and submits- choosing an approver from a group of approvers, approver approves, submitter can then post
     And if you want, you can enable Evolve to do an autorun/autopost after the approval, which will run the script on the server for you.  

    1. Requestor opens excel, either saves it or enters the data, chooses an approver, and submits
    2. the approver can review the information and either approve/reject, and if approved run it, or bounce it back to the requester to run
    This would have a specific flow, along with capturing the who/what/when/where in a process.

    Hope that gives you some ideas.

    Best Regards,

    Sigrid Kok
    PSE | Winshuttle NA