MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Replacement for DBMS Catalog tool

    Posted 02-06-2019 18:47
    Hello the DBMS Catalog tool was removed from 64bit MapInfo. We have been told by support to use "easy loader", <g class="gr_ gr_140 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="140" data-gr-id="140">however</g> there is no button to create a Map Catalog here. There are options to edit <g class="gr_ gr_246 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling ins-del" id="246" data-gr-id="246">and</g> existing map <g class="gr_ gr_353 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="353" data-gr-id="353">catalog</g>, or to upload NEW tables and data, and create a map <g class="gr_ gr_354 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="354" data-gr-id="354">catalog</g>.

    If I have an existing spatial <g class="gr_ gr_575 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="575" data-gr-id="575">database,</g> and wish to create a map <g class="gr_ gr_441 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="441" data-gr-id="441">catalog</g> (to so you can then use TABLE>database>Make DBMS table mappable), how can we achieve this from a MapInfo UI option?
    We do not want users to have to learn SQL and remote into a <g class="gr_ gr_881 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="881" data-gr-id="881">database,</g> when all they are trying to do is have MapInfo import existing spatial database point data, that other software can handle without DB modifications.

    Joshua Knight


  • 2.  RE: Replacement for DBMS Catalog tool

    Posted 02-06-2019 20:20
    Hi Joshua. 

    Yes, you can use MapinfoEasyLoader to create the MapCatalog on the DBMS, if one doesn't exist. 
    This occurs as part of initializing the MapCatalog display in MapInfoEasyLoader, so to create one, you just open the "Map Catalog" from the main panel.

    It does require a MAPINFO user (pwd: MAPINFO) with the appropriate table creation privileges on the server.
    It is, admittedly, not intuitive, nor did we update the documentation appropriately to describe the behavior.

    Please let us know if you have further issues.


    John Teague
    Troy NY

  • 3.  RE: Replacement for DBMS Catalog tool

    Posted 02-06-2019 22:45
    Thanks that works.

    Joshua Knight

  • 4.  RE: Replacement for DBMS Catalog tool

    Posted 02-07-2019 07:45
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    Hi Josh.
    Latest updates for Database samples.  MIODBCAT tool will work for Access DB's, but the tool code was never updated for support of later databases such as SQL Server, SQLite, and PostGIS as it was completely replaced by EasyLoader tool for creating Map_Catalogs.  It used to be only for Access, Oracle XY, Sybase, and DB2.  It was really OLD (circa mid 90's) and also only for Win32 and Win16 arch.  Code attached here has been updated enough so that it will work within x64 architecture and load into the Ribbon interface. If you want to add support for creating MapCatalogs in other db's, please modify as you wish.
    These will be provided in next MB release installer as well.  Please share your updates to it.


    Bill Wemple
    Principal QA Engineer
    Pitney Bowes
    Troy, NY


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