MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 05-15-2018 15:14

    I'm using MapInfo Pro v17.0, and I've added the WTMS 'Basemap Nationalmap' as a base layer for a map I've created. The map looks good on my screen, with the zoom showing only major roads, highways and major city names. However, when I print, it is showing every detail in minuscule print. Within the layer itself in Explorer, I made sure to select 'Display within Zoon Range' and limited the Max Zoom to far less than I'm actually displaying. It renders properly within the MapInfo layout window, but doesn't print this way. Thanks in advance for any ideas or anything I'm missing!

  • 2.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 05-15-2018 15:21

    Not sure if this will help you @Drew Jarvis? but maybe you could play around in the options menu under the printer or output settings? You can find it by clicking the blue 'Pro' tab at the top left of MapInfo. Then go to 'Options'


    Conversely, we export all of our maps as a .png file & print in a 3rd party application (custom Powerpoint template). I feel it allows maximum control over labeling up the final product. Maybe this approach would work for you?

  • 3.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 05-15-2018 16:36

    I have seen that this is depending on the resolution of the PDF you print to.

    Try to change the resolution to a lower resolution, say 150DPI and see if that creates the wanted result.

  • 4.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 05-16-2018 12:03

    @Peter Horsbøll Møller? that did the trick. I had it set on 600DPI, and it although it looked right on the screen, it must've exported that way to be able to zoom in that far and get that detail. Thank you very much!

  • 5.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 06-11-2018 08:18

    Drew, were you printing from the layout page? You said it looked ok there. But were you printing from the layout? It really should be accurate regardless of DPI because the layout has specific inches. ?

  • 6.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 06-11-2018 09:35

    Hi @Eric Blasenheim? , I was printing from the layout page which is what struck me as odd that it wasn't printing as displayed. Peter's suggestion did work however, so I assumed that the DPI change must have sent less details to the printer than it did when it was set to 600 DPI. The mismatch between what was displayed and what printed was certainly unexpected though.

  • 7.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 06-11-2018 09:40

    Yes I saw Peter's answer but I was still curious. With WMTS we don't control zoom layering directly. It depends on what "levels" we tell the WMTS server to deliver when rendering into the PDF.  With any printer we do a complete draw as we don't want images that were limited to a lower screen resolution to affect the quality of the output.

    However, in this case it seems like the DPI setting is affecting the level calculation. I think we should look into that. Thanks for bringing this up.

  • 8.  RE: How to print what WMTS map layer is displaying on my screen

    Posted 06-11-2018 09:48

    My pleasure Eric, thanks for the follow-up, much appreciated!