I would like a way to pull the workflow initiator’s UID as a dynamic field within a workflow. I would like to utilize this information to create an overriding responsibility via a workflow. Currently, I’m unable to do this because I can’t pull the initiator's information in a format that allows me to use it in the API - POST /api/v2/responsibilities/{assetUid}/{responsibilityUid}.
Here is my use case:
I am creating assets via a workflow; the information for the assets comes from a workflow action form. These assets are not assigned to a model, therefore ownership is not based on a rule. I want to automatically assign the initiator to the responsibility of 'contributor' so that they are able to edit the asset that they created via the workflow. Currently, I’m unable to do this via a workflow HTTP Request because I can’t fill in the initiator's UID, but I can fill in the Asset UID and hard code in the Responsibility UID.
Right now the 'initiator name' field gives both first and last name together. If we were able to use these fields separately I could call the membership/users to get the UID and then post via responsibilities/assetuid/responsibilityuid.
Kelsey Coffin is our consultant helping with this. Let me know if you have any questions!