I managed to find the settings for WMS Capabilities. Check out
https://<your SSA Server>:8080/dcg/#spatial
This data is being displayed from a SQL View live from MSSQL. I have created an ImageURL field using the following SQL.
'http://????????:8080/rest/Spatial/WMS?VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:28355&BBOX=' + CONVERT(Varchar(10), CONVERT(int,SP_GEOMETRY.STEnvelope().STPointN(1 ).STX - 300)) + ',' +
CONVERT(Varchar(10), CONVERT(Int, SP_GEOMETRY.STEnvelope().STPointN(1 ).STY - 300))+ ',' +
CONVERT(Varchar(10), CONVERT(Int, SP_GEOMETRY.STEnvelope().STPointN(3 ).STX + 300)) + ',' +
CONVERT(Varchar(10), CONVERT(Int, SP_GEOMETRY.STEnvelope().STPointN(3 ).STY + 300))
+ '&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=500&Layers=Animals%20By%20Locality&Styles=&FORMAT=image/png' AS ImgURL
I've attached the result I've achieved so far.
Tim Warfe
GIS Officer
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2019 01:08
From: Tim Warfe
Subject: SOAP/REST Functionality (Image File Creation URL)
Hi guys,
I was wondering what the SOAP or REST URL syntax would be to add a picture (png, jpg, etc..) of the selected Polygon into the info panel, so when a user selects the object zoomed in, they can see the boundaries as part of the information without zooming out. (Hyperlink creation as an image file, so I can include in the info template)
I was reading some web mapping services documents within Spectrum but am a bit unsure of the correct syntax.
Hope someone could help me please, I think it would look a bit neater to the end user.
Thank you in advance.
Tim Warfe
Tim Warfe
GIS Officer