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MapInfo Pro Advanced Training Exercise 4 - View Raster Statistics

  • 1.  MapInfo Pro Advanced Training Exercise 4 - View Raster Statistics

    Posted 04-26-2019 10:54
    Edited by Chris Jenkins 04-26-2019 10:54
    Open table UK Classified Elevation created in Exercise 3.

    1) Navigate to the Raster tab and select Cell Value > Full. Click in the map window. Notice that the values being returned are a group or class value for example 200-400 meters above sea level. This type of grid differs from a continuous grid where all vales are individual.  Raster statistics can be found very easily in MapInfo Advanced. In this case we need to find what percentage of the UK land area is between 0 and 200m above sea level.

    2) Navigate to the Raster tab and select Statistics. Note the values returned in the detail pane on the right hand side of the MapInfo Advanced user interface.

    4) Click Save As and name the output csv file UK Elevation Statistics.csv and save to a local directory.  This illustrates how quickly important statistics can be generated. More complex questions can be asked using the Calculator which we we tackle in a later exercise.

    The next exercise will show you how to assign values from a raster file to an existing vector layer, for example assigning elevation from a DTM to spot heights in a vector map.

    Chris Jenkins
    Pitney Bowes Software Ltd