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  • 1.  EngageOne Interactive Editor lagging then you want this!

    Posted 06-18-2019 03:20

    Great news as of EngageOne Interactive Editor some very significant speed improvements have been made which will benefit many customers.


    Especially those with independently publishable active content, keymaps and when writing to the log file.


    Available from the E-Store! Get it now!

    Andrew Holton
    Principal Software Engineer
    Pitney Bowes

  • 2.  RE: EngageOne Interactive Editor lagging then you want this!

    Posted 06-18-2019 10:20
    The improvements mainly speed up the loading of templates in the Interactive Editor, in both ActiveX and App form.

    You may be able to evaluate the performance in a Test EngageOne environment by installing the Interactive Editor on a test PC and opening templates.from EngageOne. Do check the version of the Interactive Editor from the Help menu. There may be compatibility issues with older installations. Remember to re-instate the correct version of the Interactive Editor afterwards.

    Jack Tsang
    Advisory Software Engineer
    EngageOne Compose
    Pitney Bowes

  • 3.  RE: EngageOne Interactive Editor lagging then you want this!

    Posted 06-30-2020 12:35
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    Hi Jack,

    That's correct; I have some compatibility issues after upgrade to EO Compose 4.4SP10.: "Unsupported version of the Interactive Editor (v6.6.10.230) installed. Please upgrade to v6.6.10.1023 or higher".  btw; that is the latest version available; I don't know what another version installs. I appreciate any thoughts regarding this issue.


    Edwin Figueroa
    Senior Solutions Consultant
    Pitney Bowes Software Latin America - PB Woldwide - PBWW
    Miami Lakes FL