Have you encountered problems when viewing Generate PDF output from the following EngageOne Designer languages in Microsoft PDF Readers (Windows 10 Edge / Windows 8.1 PDF Reader) or Safari browser :
- Arabic
- Thai
- Unicode
- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Hebrew
Here's why..
Designer publish for PDF from 6.6 Service Pack 5 ( onward was updated to use the Native Windows font Character Map (CMap) to allow the correct usage of the latest Windows design fonts for the above languages.
This was in preference to the Generic "Identity-H" encoding used in previous versions.
Why it matters..Whilst most PDF Readers (such as Adobe Reader, Chrome, Firefox , Android PDF Readers, etc ) support the Native font CMap PDF encoding, some do NOT including the following :
- Microsoft Windows 10 Edge
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 PDF Reader App
- IoS Safari browser
In such cases the relevant language characters will either not appear at all or appear as square boxes.
What can I do to resolve this ?Designer publish for PDF device from 6.6 Service Pack 8 ( onward adds the
.. device option to allow backward compatibility for the above languages on the above (and other) browsers / PDF Readers that do not support PDF CMap and allows the usage of Identity-H for these languages / browsers.
TipRemember to clear both :
- Designer localcache (Tools / Designer Preferences)
- Designer Publish for EngageOne Server device cache (Tools / Resource Cache Management
.. before republishing the PDF Device for Generate / EngageOne Server.
Feedback:Was this post useful ?
Have you seen this or similar issues ?
Let us know if it helped , by replying. Thanks!
Paul Barron
Principal QA
EngageOne Compose (Designer / Generate)
Watford, United Kingdom