Hi Rachel
Currently there is no 64 bit GPS tool for MIPro. We will have to either partner with someone to develop one or may have to build one in-house. Previous supplier does not appear to be interested in creating a 64 bit version, but I'm not entirely certain on that.
There is also one provided with DataMine Discover add-on, but if all you needed is a GPS addin, it may be too expensive an alternative as its part of a very comprehensive set of mapping tools for the mining industry.
I only found this one freeware GPS tool that says its supported on 64 bit after an extensive search:
http://www.gpsu.co.uk/features.htmlSays it will support MapInfo format, but I believe its just MIF\MID. It also says it supports SHP format which can be easily opened directly in MIPro.
Have not tried it myself, but if it works for an alternative, it may be all you need.
Bill Wemple
Principal QA Engineer
Pitney Bowes
Troy, NY
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2019 11:07
From: Rachel Taylor
Subject: MapInfo and GPS
I would also be interested to know if there is a GeoTracker add-on or application that works with MapInfo Pro 64-bit. Does anyone know if MapMarker has that capability?
Rachel Taylor
Cherokee County 911
Tahlequah OK
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2019 04:13
From: Mati Tee
Subject: MapInfo and GPS
How to get GPS data into MapInfo?
Are available tools to show track/waypoints directly on map in MapInfo?
Yes, i know DM Discover. :-) But DM discover bundle usage is not easy - and, a big part of users don't need other discover functionalities.
some other solutions?
Mati Tee
Ruumab OÛ