We need a bit more details on your exact issue, Wahida, to be able to help you.
If you have a support contract, feel free to contact our support team at support@precisely.com; Especially if it's related to license issues.
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 08-19-2024 02:53
From: Wahida Latif
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
Hi Sir. Mind to share what is the solution for this issue as Im currently facing this. Thank you.
Wahida Latif
Map Information Solutions Sdn Bhd
Original Message:
Sent: 03-15-2022 08:37
From: Dan Werner
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
Problem solved, with help from Support.
When Windows 10 was installed, the 64-bit version of Windows Office was overwritten with 32-bit version. IT re-installed the 64-bit version and driver path. MapInfo ver, 19.3 and ver. 2021 is working again!
Dan Werner
Town of MIddlebury Dept of Pub
Middlebury VT
Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2022 08:04
From: syahmi jamil
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
Thanks sir for your assist. :)
Will seek help from them.
syahmi jamil
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2022 05:27
From: Peter Møller
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
If the problem is that your license seems to have been corrupted, I'd recommend that you reach out to our support team at support@precisely.com.
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data
Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2022 04:12
From: syahmi jamil
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
same here. I also having same issue with the license after windows update
syahmi jamil
Knowledge Community Shared Account
Original Message:
Sent: 03-11-2022 10:09
From: Dan Werner
Subject: Can't open any workspaces after Windows 10 upgrade
My IT contractor upgraded my PC to Windows 10 last Saturday. On Monday afternoon I couldn't open any workspaces. I'm using MI ver.19.3.
It thought is might take a couple days for all the upgrades to take effect. Nope.
I tried the MI 2021 upgrade to see if that might make a difference; nope. But I didn't get a password so I guess I'm on the 30-day trial issue.
Any ideas?
Dan Werner
Dan Werner
Town of MIddlebury Dept of Pub
Middlebury VT